Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day thoughts of my Grandfather

Mother's Day is generally an opportunity to give the moms, grandmothers, and aunts in your life a hug to let them know how great they are. For me, Mother's Day is the anniversary of the life-changing conversation I had with my grandfather. Because of one fifteen minute conversation, I had the most productive, if not best year of my life and I continue to build my jewelry business and give myself more challenges in order to experience everything life has to offer. And, thanks to the monomania I inherited from the Walilko clan, I sent out a boatload of applications and I'm going to be in several summer shows, and in less than a month I'll be heading to Milwaukee for the Bead&Button show to teach and experience Meet the Teachers.

Every day is an opportunity to thank and honor the people who gave you life, whether physically or metaphorically. If you need the holidays to give you an excuse, use the time to say thanks to everyone. Life is short, hug those special people while you can.

Vanessa Walilko
Aluminum chainmail jewelry

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